Technically speaking: labs, learning and beyond

Fred Hale
Fred Hale

Technicians are a breed apart, but they’re also to be found working throughout the University. Fred Hale, Technical Safety Business Partner in Safety and Health Services, bangs the drum for these often hidden heroes and heroines, explains Bristol’s commitment to its technical staff, points out one piece of their handiwork on another planet, and recalls his own lightbulb moment. 

When you hear the word ‘technician’, you might picture somebody coming out of a cupboard in an overall and putting some Bunsen burners out. Many of them do set up or run practical teaching sessions, and sometimes Bunsen burners are involved – but our technicians work at every grade in almost every department, and they contribute to teaching design as well.  

Technicians also support sustainability agendas: they worked with our Sustainability team to help Bristol become the first university in the world to achieve Green Labs Certification across the whole institution. During the pandemic, they weren’t just on site keeping the lights on – they also played a big role in developing some of the distance learning. And since they’re not part of the assessment process, technical staff can be a sort of ‘safe space’: they give students a lot of moral support and advice. 

Bristol, Japan, Mars…   

Whenever there’s a practical element, there are technicians playing a key role. That’s as true of departments in Arts as anywhere else – we’ve got technicians running sound studios in Music, working in Theatre, in Archaeology, and so on.  

Our technical staff make all kinds of other contributions behind the scenes. At the Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, we have very low-vibration laboratories that provide a sort of blank canvas for very small forces, and we were contacted by the Mars InSight mission. They wanted to test a vibrometer they were sending to Mars to measure the vibrations of the inner planet. So our technicians provided the environment, set up the equipment and ran the test. The vibrometer’s still up there, sending back information.   

Not only that, but the technical workshop in the Faculty of Science and Engineering was involved in developing the drones that flew over Fukushima to test the radiation in the area after the 2011 nuclear accident there. They did a lot of work on the design of the drones and their sensors. 

Getting technical

I was very much into aeroplanes as a child. I joined the Air Cadets, and we would fly Chipmunks and gliders out at Weston airport, but we’d also go to RAF stations, look round the hangars and watch the mechanics servicing the aircraft, and learn how the ejector seats worked. Seeing what everyone did to enable those planes to get into the air made me want to be a technician – and I started in the aerospace industry, with an apprenticeship at Rolls-Royce. 

Technical roles can combine intellectual challenge, knowledge and practical application. They’re a lot of fun – you get to play with interesting things and tackle a lot of stimulating challenges. Technicians definitely have shared traits: we enjoy helping people, and we enjoy seeing the light come on in someone’s eyes or watching something being achieved.   


Fred at work in the Biomedical Sciences Teaching Lab

There’s a common bond in technical teams. Their disciplines are very different, but their roles are quite similar. They’re often in those roles for their whole career, and very passionate about their subject.  

Making the commitment 

The Technician Commitment came about in 2017, driven by technicians with support from the Gatsby Foundation. Bristol was one of the first institutions to sign up – we already knew that we wanted to be much better in this area and to recognise the value that technicians bring to our work here.  

The Technician Commitment is a pledge from the organisation, and it looks at several pillars: acknowledging technical staff and their contributions; career development; and sustainability. We’ve just won an impact award for our third submission under the Commitment, in which we had to demonstrate how we’re progressing in those pillars and provide action plans signed by the Vice-Chancellor. 

We were quite pioneering at Bristol, and Staff Development and other teams at Bristol – in faculties, in Sustainability and elsewhere – have been very supportive and encouraging from early on. Our technical career framework is used and adopted across the sector as an example of good practice. We have communities and networks for research technicians and teaching technicians, and they often visit each other’s labs and share their approaches.  

The environment is always changing a little bit around us. We keep a weather eye on skills and how young people may enter technical roles, for example via T-levels or other qualifications. Other universities ask us about career frameworks and how they can adopt some of the things we do – I think that’s a sign that we’re in quite a good place. 


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